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  • Writer's pictureSarula

Move: Following the dream

Updated: Dec 7, 2018

"A little bit of everything" Blog. Or what life abroad has thought me, how it inspired me and how it can "kick" you.” This could also be the way how to describe the main purpose of why I decided to start this blog.

I’ve been dreaming about leaving Slovakia and moving in order to live my beautiful, adult life since I was a child. To move somewhere, where I could build my own “home.” It kind of happened in 2017, when I moved to the Netherlands because of the university, where I currently study International and European Law. However, back then, the Netherlands wasn’t that popular among students (unlike Denmark) and that’s the point where it all started. Due to this interesting destination, I received many questions about student life, financing, places to visit…In a way, all of these inspired me to create a place, where I would be able to put everything - MOVE.

Why “MOVE”?

This part may have a linguistic nature, but I think that this is also one of the questions that should be answered. To be completely honest, when creating this name, I didn’t really think about it. I once was describing this whole concept to my friend when she asked me about the name. It simply came out of my mouth - MOVE! Even though this word is mainly related to movement in general, it can be used in a more metaphoric way as well. It can be used as an expression of development, influence, strong feeling…Move acquires a little bit of everything that I would like to put into this blog. Maybe it will be a chaos at the beginning but you know what? I’m a chaos as well. However, I believe that I can compensate you with my content and you’ll forgive me in the end 😇.

Why “Following the dream?”

I’ve always loved writing. Throughout my whole life, I either danced or did any sport. I loved performing in front of the people. Though, I’ve dreamed that once I’ll be working in a field, where I’ll be able to combine creativity and working with people. Hence, the law may seem to be a bit odd and restrictive to that, you still can find fields in it, where it’s possible. Nevertheless, sometimes it’s not enough and that’s why I was looking for something, where I can use my creativity to the fullest. After all, it turned out for me that the best way is to go back to writing (another project is on the way 😉). With my words, I would like to inspire you, encourage you and push you a little to go outside your comfort zone. I’d like to show you that facing your fears can be worth it. Show you that sometimes what you’re given is not really what you wished for, but you can still get the most out of it another way. (It’s all about the point of view!)

That’s the sneak peek of my chaos for now and if you want to know more, you can still go over my posts and find the topic with the information you’re interested in. ☺

I’ll be happy for any reaction and feedback. In case you would like to co-operate, please don’t hesitate to contact me on:

I’m looking forward to our journey! ☺

With love,


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