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  • Writer's pictureSarula

Switzerland: Spontaneity on point

Those of you who know me are aware of the fact that many times, as soon as I have an idea in my head, I try to make it happen without further thinking. Yes, I know it’s not always good. However, it was a very similar case with Switzerland and I still think it was one of the best decisions ever!

How did it start?

There are 4 exam periods at the University in the Netherlands (yes, we have a very long school year). After every single one, we have a few days off to “recover”. That is why most of the people are trying to get as far as possible form the “scene of the crime”. Visiting friends living in other countries seems to be the best option for healing. As one of my most favourite people in the world and my spiritual buddy, Zuzi (don’t forget to follow her), lives in Zürich, the choice made itself. We set the date and I booked the flight (return flight Amsterdam - Zürich = 74, 36 €).

Tickets bought ☑️

Exams done ☑️

Packed ☑️

Except for the traditional food nothing planned ☑️

Peace mode on ☑️

How did it continue?

On our way home from the airport, we couldn’t have missed one of the most typical things, which is behind every corner in Switzerland - Bretzel (or Pretzel 🥨). They’re made fleshly in the stalls all over Zürich, where you can buy them while they’re still warm and crispy (with salt, sesame, poppy seeds, cheese…). After a short sightseeing, we went home to rest a bit and then we headed straight ahead towards the nightlife.

Where to at night?

Zürich is beautiful! In the evening we took a walk around the older part of the city, where at one of the streets we found Cabaret Voltaire, which was a birthplace of Dadaism (really cool place). In the old town, what is definitely worth seeing is Grossmünster, Wasserkirche, from where you can slowly walk up to the Lindenhof, which is a nice spot for a panoramic view on the old centre. What took my interest was the project, due to which there are chairs all over the city in random places. Those chairs are tied together so that no-one sits alone (nice idea, right?!).

If you feel fancy and a bit posh with a desire to meet a sneak peek of the Swiss upper class, you shouldn’t miss the CLOUDS. It is a bistro with a bar. Although it is a place with really expensive drinks (the cheapest was around 19 CHF = 16, 82 €), it is known for its amazing view of the whole city.

On the other hand, if you’re more into those chill urban places, I highly recommend one of the most magical places I’ve ever seen - Frau Gerold Garten. There you can find everything from nice drinks, delicious food to entertainment in many ways. Its outstanding atmosphere is a great combination of industrial style and fairy lights. You can either stay outside and warm near the fireplace or go to the seasonal garden.

Once you’re out at night, you got to try what the city offers. Both places are very close to the Maag Halle, where except for concerts, musicals and other cultural events you can also find the Härterei Club (where our friend works 🙈). Well, you know…The only thing I can tell you about that night is that our “we’ll leave in a while so we catch the last train home” changed to another walking tour around the outskirt of Zürich. (I guess our circles of steps were fulfilled for the upcoming 3 days)

Whare to go on a trip?

After a solid 4 hours of sleep, we decided the next day to go for a short hike. There is a hill Uetliberg near Zürich with a very picturesque view. If the weather is sunny or there is an inversion and you are not up for climbing a huge mountain, it is definitely worth it! You can choose whether you’ll walk up or you’ll use a train that takes you under the very top. One of the paths is also kind of educative in way that you start where the Sun is and you get to the top while passing by different planets (there are also some fun facts about planets as well). Up there you can sit and have a tea, eat something or just enjoy that tremendous view the place offers.

As I already mentioned, we didn’t really have a fixed plan and even that changed. The following day we spent in Meisterschwanden, where we went to a huge lake Hallwilersee. This lake is surrounded by many small villages. It offers a lot. Besides fun activities, you can walk around, swim (yes, I swam in the lake in November!), or sit in one of the restaurants around and sip your tea while looking at the lake.

And what if you’re hungry?

If you’re into trying the traditional food, raclette is the solution. Basically, it is a melted high-quality cheese poured over your plate. Hence, it is all up to you what you put on your plate (potatoes, mushrooms, aubergine, grapes, pineapple, carrots…). Unfortunately, I cannot recommend you any particular place, where you would get it, because we made it ourselves. However, you can find everything you need in groceries everywhere.

If you’re lazy to cook, you can grab something in the centre. For example Hiltl (or Hiltl Sihlpost, where the interior is inspired by the old post office). Hiltl is the oldest vegetarian restaurant in Europe with a great variety in both food and drinks it offers. Another possibility is bistro KOSMOS, where its chill atmosphere is complemented by the co-working space with a small bookstore upstairs. Although the city offers many places, you have to bear in mind that costs are pretty high when eating outside.

So that was my short 4-day trip to Switzerland. We didn’t manage to see and do everything we wanted, but at least I have a reason to go back (and write an article of course 😉). I hope that this article inspired you and maybe we’ll meet in Zürich soon! 🥰

Thank you Zuzi, Phibs, Olga and many others for making this trip awesome!

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