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  • Writer's pictureSarula

Move review: The Man Who Wanted to Be Happy​​

“…don’t ever allow anyone to tell you, what is hard for you.”

The book not visible in the shelves, which hides a treasure. Maybe its name made you think – why would a girl read about the man, who wanted to be happy?! The answer is very simple. The author, Laurent Gounelle, beautifully plays with words and gives you a small manual for happier life.

A few general remarks:

Laurent Gournelle is the author, who focuses on psychology and self-development. Characters in his books are usually lost in life and are trying to find their voice in the society. It wasn’t different in this book. The main story-line is happening in Bali, where the main character, Julian, visits a very famous healer. The whole book is written in the form of dialogues and inner thoughts of Julian, during which you can see his transformation.


Those of you who are interested in this type of literature have probably realized that the book is very similar to the Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. However, there is one main difference. While Eat, Pray, Love is more about forgiving yourself and overcoming the fear of love, Laurent Gournelle focused more on belief in oneself and their dreams. I belong to the people, who learn better with practical examples and that’s why I really liked this book. Throughout the book, the author used many stories from real life, which showed Julian the reality from a very different point of view. The book is very short and an average bookworm would finish it in a few hours, but I would recommend to take your time and read it slowly. That’s how you’ll allow your brain to work with received information and think about it more deeply. Otherwise, it could turn into a boring book without any value. I wouldn’t say it belongs to motivational literature as its main focus is on psychology and spiritual development. However, this may also easily put someone down.

I am of an opinion that everyone, who is a little bit lost, but knows something about the self-development could find themselves in this book. From the beginning it may seem like another naïve and optimistic book, but the opposite is true. Nothing comes without hard work and a bit of a suffering. It’s shown here as well that once you start listening to yourself, your life will take a completely different direction. The direction you were born for.

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