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The Netherlands: (Not) Well-known financial help

Updated: Dec 7, 2018

When choosing a university, one of the most important factors that every student is considering is the financing. That is why one of the most asked questions is closely linked to scholarships or student loans. In this article, I would like to touch this topic addressing not very well-known option for international students - DUO.

What is DUO?

DUO, or Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, is an organisation under the Dutch Government, which is providing students with a financial help. It has a very similar system to the one in Great Britain. However, there is one significant difference. While in the GB the payback starts once you have a stable job, where you earn a certain amount of money, in the Netherlands you have to start paying it back once you finish your studies. This difference shouldn’t discourage you completely. In comparison to the tuition fees in the UK, costs for 3 years of studies in the NL are comparable to 1 year in the UK. Hence, there is one important factor to mention; the tuition fees in the NL are changed every year. For example:

- For the school year 2017/2018 it was 2006 € for everyone

- For the school year 2018/2019 it was 2060 € (new first years pay only half of the sum; afterwards they pay the same amount as everyone else)

There may, however, be special requirements. That depends on the university.

How does it work?

An application for DUO can be sent by any student, who is a citizen of the European Union. Being the citizen guarantees you the same rights as Dutch students have. The student loan has 2 forms:

- Tuition Fees

- Student Grant

Tuition Fees is a monthly payment to your account. The amount that is sent to your account varies according to the amount of money you have to pay to your institution; eg. 12x173 €. As already mentioned, this type of loan has to be paid back right after your studies. When applying, it is required to provide them with your BSN number (a special number given to you once you register at the municipality), fill in the form, attach the copy of your passport and open a Dutch bank account.

Student Grant, on the other hand, has a different form and requirements. It is divided into 3 parts:

- Tuition Fees

- A supplementary grant

- A student travel product

With regard to the tuition fees, the above-mentioned requirements apply. A big advantage is the two latter ones, which are described by DUO as a gift. This means that you don’t have to return them back. The main point is that the student has to work at least 56 hours per month. When handing in the form, you need to attach your contract as well. After 3 months, the student has to provide the institution with their statement of account in order to prove that you’re getting the salary. This has to be repeated every 6 months. The last but not least requirement is, that you have to provide them with the income of your parents over the past 2 years. According to that, they will calculate the amount of money you’ll be receiving (you can calculate it yourself here). A student travel product should be understood as a card you can use for travelling around the NL by trains and buses. You can choose whether you want to travel for free during weekends or with 40% off the ticket (trust me, it’s worth it).

All the requirements can be changed every year. Nevertheless, these are the basics, which usually stay the same. For more information click here.

(This article is written without any cooperation or paid ad. It has an informative character for students who are as lost as me some time ago :))

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