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  • Writer's pictureSarula

Move: 5 things I have realised

I know It’s been a long time since I have uploaded my last article. Unfortunately, my brain and energetic capacity weren’t sufficient to handle blogging, school and my private life. I guess everyone knows that. On the other hand, I had time to think and to get fresh new inspiration. I have met many new interesting people, I deepened the relationships with those that are close to me and I crossed the borders of 20+. This short break and ups and downs helped me to realise a few important things I want to share with you. So what are the 5 things I have realised?:

1.Listen to yourself!

This phrase may seem to be one of the most used phrases in today’s world. However, I would like to talk more about the body itself instead of the spiritual meaning of it. In fact, our body communicates with us and sometimes it even shouts at us. Nowadays, we have a tendency to do a lot in a short time. Though, when we do nothing, we feel like outsiders. Why? Simply because who doesn’t have a healthy lifestyle, doesn’t exercise, doesn’t sleep enough and doesn’t plan every minute of the day it seems as if that person doesn’t even exist. But we keep forgetting one of the most important things – to listen to ourselves! There were days when even a mummy would get offended if you called me that. I was tired and drained and that was the moment when I put aside everything, cooked a good meal, switched off my phone, watched a good movie or read a good book and slept, I slept a lot. It doesn’t make sense to push yourself into something you don’t have the energy for. It will take much longer and it will be completely counterproductive. That’s why if you feel anything similar, please stop and listen more to your body than to the others.

2.You never try, you never know!

Many times, we start things we don’t believe in. We do them because someone forces us or because we feel like we have to. One of the examples could be studying for exams. Nobody likes exam periods, especially when you have to study for the subject you hate. In those moments you feel like throwing all the books out and don’t show up for the exam or not finishing that stupid paper. But you know what? At least you can try it! You never know what will happen. Maybe you know a bare minimum for the exam, but you’ll be lucky enough to get the questions you studied for. Maybe you’ll go to the job interview and you’ll see there all those good-looking and smart people, but all they will be looking for is one simple person. Simply said, you never try, you never know!

3.Think less!

I think that each and one of you have ever been in a situation, which actually was quite ok, but in your head, it was the worst and the most awkward situation of your life. I’ll tell you a secret now – everything looks much worse in our heads. Really, stop it! Now! It won’t help you and you can’t take back what happened. Or if it keeps taking you back, laugh at it. You acted like a weirdo and what. The world keeps spinning and you have a funny memory.

4.You’ll always return to yourself!

You’ll always return to yourself in the end. Everyone has their dominant and submissive sides. Sometimes even that submissive will become dominant for a certain period. My whole life I inclined to creativity and working with people. Later on, I kind of got lost in my life and couldn’t find myself until I decided to move to the Netherlands. My classmates and I went on the university full of ideas and goals we wanted to achieve. However, after hours and hours of talking with some of them, we got to the same point. Even though we all are interested in law in a way, we don’t want to continue with it. We all want to return to something that is closer to our hearts. To something that we care more about, we want to return back to ourselves. Getting back to the point – it doesn’t matter what you do in life or what your initial plans are, you’ll usually alwaysreturn back “home”. Back to yourself!

5.You are where you should be!

As I mentioned above, today’s world is sometimes too fast for us to adapt. To cope with it, we read all those motivational books - how to be successful in a young age. All of it has even more effect on us once you happen to have all those over motivated people around, who make you feel like shit (sorry for the expression). I am a person, who’s usually driven by intuition and emotions, but it happens sometimes that my ratio comes out and that’s where it begins. Those hidden thoughts start coming out – am I doing enough? What am I doing wrong that I’m not where they are? Why can’t I do that? Why didn’t I think of that? Why… If someone else would come to me with those words, I’d probably shake the hell out of them. There’s a very simple answer to that – because. You’re not doing anything wrong you’re doing what your physical and mental state currently allows you to do. If that idea didn’t find you but someone else, it was probably meant for that person. The sooner you realise it, the better for you. Otherwise, you’d easily get stuck in that horrible circle, which would either drive you crazy or it would be almost impossible to get out of it.

This article is just my opinion on how life works. I’m not saying that it’s correct or incorrect. Though I think, no, I believe that thanks to those 5 points I didn’t get crazy in the past few months. You know, not everything that is good for others is also good for you…

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