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  • Writer's pictureSarula

Move: Losing hurts

This article is dedicated to everyone,

who thought that the hole in their heart

will NEVER heal again.

We all have experienced it. We all have had those revolving thoughts. About someone. About a person. About the one, with whom we lost part of our world too. They left. And now you’re here, alone in this world, with your thoughts. What an egoist…


This is probably one of the questions you keep asking yourself. Literally, you torture yourself. You keep coming back to that crater you were left with deep in your heart. And it hurts. It hurts so much. It’s weird seeing someone walking away. Like nothing. As if you’d never met before. As if you’d never talked the whole night. As if you’d never laughed, cried or simply existed silently next to each other. As if… There’s a lot, right? A lot to talk about. Things that were just between the two of you. Just yours. And they simply disappear.

Who to blame?

Nobody. And I’ll tell you the reason, but you’ll probably hate me for its simplicity - people come and go. I know that you feel like slapping someone or scream. Maybe also at yourself. However, these things happen. Sometimes you have a lot to talk about at the beginning then you lose each other and then you find each other again. Or maybe not. You know, every person should give you a lesson and theirs was over. They had nothing else to offer you. If they helped you to become a better person, keep it and take care of it. If they showed you what kind of people you’d like to avoid, continue doing so. And if they helped you opening up your heart, please, try not to close it completely again.

What if…?

What if you miss them? It’s ok. Let that emotion fill you up. And then, when you return to the normal world, send them a thought and let them go. Please. Do it not only for yourself but also for them. Let them live their life. Yes, memories will come back. From time-to-time, you’ll feel like crying, but with time, you’ll smile instead. Trust me. You’ll be freer than ever before.

What now?

Despite the fact that it seems like it, the world did not crash. The Sun is still shining (even though I’m doubting its existence in the Netherlands sometimes), the Earth is still revolving and time still passes. Just open your mouth and talk to others. Talk about your feelings. I can promise you one thing - even if you feel like the loneliest person on this planet right now, there’s somewhere around a very similar Robinson Crusoe. A few words are enough to become Friday for each other. Be lonely together.

I know, you’re probably thinking - easier said than done.

It’s not!

Probably it’ll take some time. However, if you don’t even try it, nothing will ever change. You can keep repeating to yourself that it’s impossible or you can try it step-by-step. Allow those feelings to get to the surface. Afterwards, take a deep breath, look up and move forward. I won’t give you an advice to never look back, do it if you feel like it. But always return to reality. And keep walking. Always keep walking…

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