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  • Writer's pictureSarula

Move: We’re Hippies of Our Era

This article is dedicated to everyone,

who has dreams!

A few months ago, I decided to read one book per month. Thanks to that, I found the book called Hippie by Paulo Coelho, which was a major inspiration for this article. I don’t know if it was your case as well, but I remember times at primary school when some hippie fashion items came back. We didn’t really understand their meaning, but still, we were wearing colourful earrings with the peace sign, different necklaces or handmade bracelets of friendship. Later on, other elements came back, such as stories about Woodstock or about Hippies in general. But my thoughts about our generation only came with this book…

What was their philosophy?

I’m not an expert on this colourful part of our history! Though, I’m sure that one of their basic values was freedom. Freedom in almost everything – freedom of speech, freedom of movement or freedom of will. This group mainly involved people, who were trying to find their place in this world. They travelled, read, meditated a lot and they were meeting at special places. Usually, those places were far away from civilization or, in contrast, big cities, where they also had their special spots. They loved nature and argued that a human being and nature should be the one. Yes, it’s true that many of them fell for drugs and other substances; however, it wasn’t really used for fun like today, but more about getting closer to their spiritual self.

What are the similarities?

The times of rebels and spiritualism was exchanged by the era of behaving and destroying the belief in your dreams. But that’s very different in the past years. Most of the young people start realizing that life is not only about accomplishing dreams of someone else, but it’s more about what they want. Again, a trend of backpacking or cheap travelling returned (even the life in a van). Meditation and yoga are becoming a part of the lifestyle. People are trying to spend more time in nature or with books than with technologies. Moreover, our love for nature is expressed by organizing cleaning groups as well as by choosing a more ecological way of life. The last but not least similarity is that, as Hippies in the past read or wrote various books about interesting places, we create and read travel blogs/vlogs and meet in communities of our interests. The only difference is the fact that we prefer healthier lifestyle.

Many things have changed over the years. We definitely have more freedom, bigger support and more options to choose from on our path of life. That’s why I dare to say that even though we don’t call ourselves like that, but we are some kind of Hippies. I’m not sure if there is any uniform name for our era (except for millennials or generation Z), but I think that we have a much bigger reach and we’re more respected. So, take that last sip of water from your re-fill bottle, wear the most comfortable clothes from your minimalistic wardrobe, sit down, close your eyes and…

Find peace… ✌🏻

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